14 May 2021 - Friday

Powerful Women in Network Marketing (Gywneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson +++)

Powerful Women in Network Marketing (Gywneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson +++)

Event Details


AND... for the first time EVER – join us for FREE!
This is the 7th Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing Event and for the first time EVER, it is FREE. 
3 days focused on the development and empowerment of women in every way possible. 
Connecting with the women in our community and sharing how Network Marketing can change your life AND build a legacy for your family...
...THAT is why I do what I do. 
I'm dedicated to helping YOU use this profession to change your own. In the past year, we built a $20 million studio so we could bring a one-of-a-kind experience right into the comfort and safety of your home. 
We have the opportunity to reach millions of women in every country and every economic situation in the world to provide greater value and more impact than ever possible.
It will be the ultimate interactive online virtual experience 
that you’ll NEVER FORGET!
By utilizing Zoom technology as our delivery platform, event participants and presenters will be able to engage on an unimaginable level … even for traditional in-person events.


Over 20 top leaders, million-dollar earners, motivators, and other powerful women will share their wisdom, tips, strategies, and ideas they have used to achieve success.
  • Create the vision of your DREAM life and how to ACTUALLY live it
  • ​Build the confidence to step into your TRUE potential
  • ​The most important issues facing women entrepreneurs (and how to overcome them)
  • ​How to build a business around your family life (you don't have to sacrifice one for another)
  • Build your business from your phone: The cutting-edge secrets to leverage social media to grow your business
  • Learn how the top businesswomen in the world navigate mom guilt and gender discrimination
  • ​How to work effectively with a spouse or business partner  – become each other's biggest fans
  • ​Get the "insider secrets" from the most influential, "All-Stars" of our profession
  • Full-time mom? No problem – you can STILL build a successful business
  • STOP SETTLING: Learn how to stop settling for relationships that don't serve you! This isn't just about romantic relationships!


The retail price of this event is $997…
We bring on about 20 speakers to this event…
They include top business leaders, million-dollar earners, motivators, and other powerful women who share their wisdom, tips, strategies, and ideas they have used to achieve success.
And you walk away with a path to close the gap between where you are today and who you want to be. 
It is WORTH $997 …
But for the first time ever, we’re making The Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing FREE. It is our mission to help as many women as possible!


Marina Worre Gwyneth Paltrow Kate Hudson Loren Lahav

14 May 2021 Friday 20:00

16 May 2021 Sunday 23:00

Online Event - FB Group & Youtube

Event Promoter


İlham veren konuşmacılarımız, enerji dengeleyen koçluklarımız, geleceğe hazırlayan eğitimlerimiz ve dönüşüm sağlayan Tony Robbins etkinleriyle herkesin içindeki "gerçek" gücü uyandırmak, Batı bilimi ve Doğu felsefesini harmanlayan yöntemlerle kalplere dokunmak için bir araya gelmiş yapan, gerçekleştiren, Dünyayı sallayan, şifalandıran, en çok da gönülden SEVEN liderler birliği. Misyonumuz: Bir Üst Versiyon SEN! Mutlu, huzurlu, sağlıklı, bolluk ve sevgi içinde başaran bir dünyada; bütüne katkı niyetiyle, birey ve kurumlara; fiziksel, zihinsel, duygusal, ruhsal araçlar sunarak, onlara BİR ÜST VERSİYONlarına dönüşmeleri için destek sunmak.