Story Night is a stand up comedy show focused on storytelling. Performances will feature comedic retellings of real-life experiences of comedians as well as opening the floor to any willing audience members, so you are free to enjoy the stories, and tell your own! Come to Karga on 26th of November for an epic night of laughter, maybe some tears and even the chance to tell your own story. Theme for this show will be mental health, so be ready for a crazy experience!
26 November 2024 Tuesday 21:00
26 November 2024 Tuesday 23:00
Karga, Caferağa Mah. Kadife Sok. No:16 Kadıköy, Kadıköy, İstanbul
Safehouse Comedy Club is a stand up comedy organization that aims to bring a wide array of comedy shows and events while championing freedom of expression and power of comedy!