10 March 2020 - Tuesday

Uzakrota Balkan Travel Summit'20

Belgrade, Dorćol
Uzakrota Balkan Travel Summit'20

Event Details

Uzakrota Travel Summit is one of the biggest conference and foyer area for online travel agencies, airline companies, hotels, travel agencies, traveltech stratups, hospitality investors, venture capitalists, tech companies and distribution tech companies. Uzakrota Travel Summit is connecting the biggest companies with the brightest minds and professionals of travel industry around the world. Turkey’s largest tourism event, Uzakrota Travel Summit, is coming from Turkey to Balkan. It will take place in Belgrade on 10th of March, with the participation of 600 tourism professionals from Europe, Middle East and Turkey.

10 March 2020 Tuesday 09:00

10 March 2020 Tuesday 17:30

Mona Plaza Belgrade, Solunska 21, Beograd, Sırbistan, Dorćol, Belgrade

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