The Music Medicine
The Music Medicine

The Music Medicine" is a Consciousness, a musical Entity and an Academy committed to achieve Global Harmony and Joy through the use and study of Music and Performing Arts as tools of Human Development and Self-Healing. Under this Consciousness, a collective of Musicians, Dj's, Performers & Practitioners came together with the purpose of raising the vibration in spaces, individuals and groups, and awaken the inherited gifts of Musicality and Creativity through the Medicines of Music and Movement. Founded by Sound Alchemist, Artist and Musician Dimitrios, “The Music Medicine” attempts to share its message emphasising on one’s musical education and understanding of the importance of music, sound and performance as tools of Balance, Expansion, Connection and Transcendence, also bridging the gap between Meditation & Celebration, Spirit & Science, Tradition & Technology. The Music Medicine uses Music & Music Therapy Sessions and Workshops, Live Shows, Podcasts, Music Releases and Intimate Experiences to “tune” more people to the same consciousness and vibration.