The Future is Now
"Design Thinking 2022"
February 23rd / 10:00-16:00 TR Time Zone (GMT +03:00) / Zoom Online Platform
-Garry Turner
Strategic Advisor (international commercial, people & culture), Thinking Partner and Emergent Space Holder to mission-driven startups, scaleups and progressive corporations
-Pascal Strauss
Gamechanger / Wake Up - Grow Up - Show Up
-Steven Gross
Global HR Leader & Thinking Partner to HR | Career Coach | Resilient Leaders Elements Consultant | Agile Leader | Culture Scope Practitioner I ex Unilever VP
-Nazlı Ersen
MHR, Founder, Executive Director Blink Minds
Key Topics:
Garry Turner
Strategic Advisor (international commercial, people & culture), Thinking Partner and Emergent Space Holder to mission-driven startups, scaleups and progressive corporations.
Combining a powerful mix of international sales, people and culture expertise, Garry guides senior leaders and teams towards co-creating just relationships for collective wellbeingby connecting more deeply with themselves, with others and with systems at large through his Transformational Change practice, HEXO Change.
Grounded in facilitation, space-holding, vulnerability and courage, Garry leverages over 20 years of sales and relationship building experience combined with over 7 years of co-creating and delivering people and culture solutions, within and outside of his corporate roleconcurrently,to hold space for Senior Leaders & Business Owners as a Strategic Advisor & Thinking Partner, facilitator of Executive Retreats and Human Development Spaces, he is a keynote speaker who speaks‘from the heart’ and he also facilitates a range of highly inclusive and interactive workshops, all delivered in person or online.
Pascal Strauss
Gamechanger / Wake Up - Grow Up - Show Up
"It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us.” -Batman What I did is in the past. What I do right now:
Empowerment Coach and Firewalk Master Trainer (Teacher at Sundoor School for transpersonal education and member of the global firewalk association). I conduct Train-the-Trainer Programs and Retreats/Events/Trainings using Experiential Empowerment Tools as Firewalk (in different versions), Glasswalk, Icebath, Steelbending, Arrow breaking, Wooden plank breaking
Leader of the “Ancient Wisdom and Nature Track” at the Integral European Conference Closing the Gap between Wisdom and Science, Knowledge and Experience based on the integral approach of Ken Wilber.
Co-Founder Happiness@Work Movement, Academy, Conference
Head of Learning and Development at Syngeon S.A. Financial Consulting and Project-Management. Translating Learning and Development into AI and State of the Art Technology. Working on different Products to enhance learning for Children and Young People
Partner at Gamechangers Group Trainer in Organisational Transformation (Clients like Hilton, Autogrill, Deutsche Bank, Daios Cove, CoolBlue) and Personal Coach to different C-Level/Personalities in Business and Sport (Confidential)
Founder Global Campus Foundation in Cooperation with the Identity Projects Bringing 100000 free Scholarships to Africa and so called 3rd World Countries Free Teachings in Entrepreneurship (Motto: Community over Competition) to ensure Circular Economies and Learning Communities (Over 200 Scholars from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenia, Algeria so far, January starts Uganda, South-Africa and Burundi)
Strategist at The Present movement, Project Giveme5 Helping to set up a concept to get rid of homelessness. We connect economically homeless people with Hotels to stay for 90 days in Safety, and then to permanent housing. In 2021 we helped so far 40 people in Amsterdam. After the pilot is done, we want to copy it to other cities.
Executive Advisor Blinkminds, New York
Member of the board Action4Happiness, the netherlands
Empowerment Coach and guest lecturer at IU (International University of applied science)
Startup Coach at VisionHealthPioneers, Berlin
Founder VisionXCamp, Empowerment for youth Camps and Co-Founder BodyMindSpirit Academy (Train the Trainer/Coach for VisionXCamp)
Founder Calmness Clinics and Consultant of Singapore Government for Health and Education
Ambassador for Solar Butterfly (2022-25), raising awareness worldwide for Solar Energy
Gamechanging Ambassador and Master Trainer for Mapstell Tools in Behavioural Assessments
Consultant Deutsche Fussballagentur for Peak Performance Coaching
Co-Founder Ohana Wellbeing, Retreats for Families
Consultant YouthStart NGO, Free courses for underpriviledged young people
Steven Gross
Global HR Leader & Thinking Partner to HR | Career Coach | Resilient Leaders Elements Consultant | Agile Leader | Culture Scope Practitioner I ex Unilever VP
I leverage my 35 years of international corporate experience as a Global HR leader as a Consultant, Coach, Mentor, Key Note Speaker and as a ‘Thinking Partner’ for people to achieve their personal and business goals. I am certified as a Resilient Leaders Elements Consultant, Agile Leader, Scrum Master and Culture Scope Practitioner. My experience and expertise includes a track record of growing talent and business in dynamic fast growth Developing and Emerging Markets (Russia, South Asia, South East Asia, Middle East and Africa), and topics such as Talent Acquisition, Development & Retention, Employer Branding, the Future of Work, Future Careers, Agile Organisation, On-Demand Talent, Organisation Culture, Purpose, and Health & Wellbeing.
Nazlı Ersen
MHR, Founder, Executive Director Blink Minds
Nazli Ersen is a visionary entrepreneur and the Founder & Executive Director of BlinkMinds. Nazli established BlinkMinds as an umbrella non-profit organization that brings together the best unique and powerful cohort learning experiences for organizations, schools, and individuals that create space for mastery. BlinkMinds enable people to discover their own awareness, keep their mind, soul, and body healthy to find happiness in their work and life view. BlinkMinds’ programs lead companies to the future of success. Nazli has worked in different industries as an influencer who thrives on tough challenges and translates visions and strategies into action. She believes that a person can realize their fullest potential only when they’re in a constant state of growth. She was born by the Aegean Sea Coast. She has studied the French Language as her BA in Lawrence, Kansas and spent 8 months in France as an exchange student. She has moved to New York in 2006 where she completed her post-baccalaureate in Finance at Columbia University and MS in HR Management and Organizational Effectiveness at NYU. She loves spending time on the beach, being inspired, creating new things, making connections where they didn’t exist before. One of the people who inspire her is her son, who reminds her of the opportunity we have every day to learn new things and that dreaming brings our purpose to life. She strives for a world where people are inspired by their true purpose and define their life to thrive.
23 Şubat 2022 Çarşamba 10:00
23 Şubat 2022 Çarşamba 16:00
Online Etkinlik - Zoom
Kurumsal hayatta, 30 yılı aşkın süredir, iş dünyasının hemen hemen her alanında binlerce başarılı danışmanlık ve eğitim projesine imza atmış bir ekip ile farklı koordinatlarda, farklı uzmanlarla, kişisel ve kurumsal gelişiminize destek olacak işbirlikleriyle yanınızdayız. "Wes Organizasyon bir BSP GROUP markasıdır"