09 Şubat 2019 - Cumartesi


İstanbul, Bahçelievler

Etkinlik Detayları


Nowadays, many young adults want to become a millionare or a celebrity. However, they do not know how much hard-work does it take to become a successful in any kind area they wish to pursue. Whether becoming a successfull entrepreneur as Elon Musk, or famous celebrity as Taylor Swift needs very dedicated life and years of practice to become the best. In regards with the topic, on the one hand, the bright side of moon which illustrates the success, and the dark side of moon which is the hidden half part of it symbolizes sacrifices, dedication and the effort. Thanks to this panel, young adults will realize the both part as a whole which enable them to set goals realistically and put a enough effort to accomplish it. They will realise the fact that everything has a ‘Dark Side’ such as moon.

1- Was Stephen Hawking Right?

We all have watched Black Mirror , as much as the technology is a blessing , it also is our curse. We all like technology right ? but do we know that,

· ‘In the short term, there are concerns that clever machines capable of undertaking tasks done by humans until now will swiftly destroy millions of jobs’ Stephen Hawking said that “the emergence of artificial intelligence could be the "worst event in the history of our civilization." Was he right ? Is there a dark side of the technology

*Hepimiz Black Mirror’ı izledik. Teknoloji çağımızın nimeti olmasının yanında aynı zamanda da laneti. Hepimiz teknolojiden faydalanıyoruz ve onsuz bir dünya düşünemiyoruz. ?

Peki ‘ kısa zaman içerisinde yapay zekanın insanların yaptıklarını yapabileceği ve milyonlarca işi yok edeceğini ‘ biliyor muyuz? ‘ Yapay zekanın uygarlığımızın başına gelebilecek en kötü şey ‘ olduğunu düşünen Stephen Hawking haklı mıydı?

Gerçekten teknolojinin bir karanlık tarafı var mı?

2-The Disease of the Age : We All Have That

3- Be the Master of Yourself - Self Control

Konuların geri kalanı ve diğer tüm bilgiler için, Instagram: @tedxyouthyesilkoy

09 Şubat 2019 Cumartesi 15:00

09 Şubat 2019 Cumartesi 18:00

Nurettin Topçu Kültür Merkezi, Bahçelievler, Bahçelievler, İstanbul

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